1. Procter & Gamble: “Touching Lives, Improving Life”
2. Prudential Financial: “Growing and Protecting Your Wealth”
3. Qwest: “Spirit of Service”
4. Renault: “Créateur d’Automobiles”
5. Rite Aid: “With Us, It’s Personal:
6. Rolls-Royce: “Trusted to Deliver Excellence”
7. Sherwin-Williams: “Cover the Earth”
8. Silicon Graphics: “The Source of Innovation and Discovery”
9. Spencer Gifts: “Life’s A Party! We’re Makin’ It Fun.”
10. Sprint Nextel Corporation: “Yes you can”
11. Staples: “That Was Easy”
12. Symbol Technologies: “The Enterprise Mobility Company”
13. Target Corporation: “Expect More. Pay Less.”
14. The Home Depot: “You Can Do It. We Can Help.”
15. The Spaceship Factory: “Custom Fabrication for Interplanetary Living”
1.Time Warner Cable: “The Power of You”
2.Toyota: “Oh What a Feeling”
3.United Parcel Service: “What Can Brown Do for You”
4.United States Postal Service: “Fly Like An Eagle”
5.USO: “Until Every One Comes Home…”
6.VeriSign: “Where It All Comes Together”
7.Verizon” Make Progress Every Day”
8.Veterans Way Bicycles: “Veterans Way Bicycles, Making It Happen”
9.Village Cinemas: “Where Movies Live”
10.Vodafone: “Make the Most of Now”
11.Volkswagen: “Aus Liebe zum Automobil,” which being translated, is, “Out of love to automobiles.” (thx to Kirtland S.)
12.Wachovia: “Uncommon Wisdom”
13.Wegmans Food Markets: “Every Day You Get Our Best!”
14.Weight Watchers: “Watch Yourself Change:
15.Wendy’s : “Do What Tastes Right”
1. Lehman Brothers: “Where Vision Gets Built”
2. LevelVision LLC: “Engaging People”
3. L’Oreal: “Because I’m Worth It”
4. Lowe’s: “Improving Home Improvement”
5. Marshall Aerospace: “World Class Aerospace Solutions”
6. Martha Stewart Living: “Sharing The Good Things Everyday”
7. Matsushita Electric Industrial: “Panasonic Ideas for Life”
8. Meijer: “Higher Standards. Lower Prices.”
9. Merck & Co.: “Committed to Bringing Out the Best in Medicine”
10. Merrill Lynch: “We See Your Financial Life in Total”