Objective: Internet Operators | Personal homepage: http://www.yjbys.com (pv5000 per day) |
service@yjbys.com | We-Chat Public Account: yjbys(1000 fans) |
(+86) 138-0013-8000 | Sina Weibo: @yjbys (10000 fans) |
QQ Group management: manager of 5 QQ thousand group |
| xxxx Taobao shop of xxx Information Technology Co., Ltd. |
| Online Shop Operations / Customer Service | 2013.02-2013.06 |
• | Responsible for setting up shop independently, adding product content and setting product attributes |
• | Responsible for online Q & A for customers and regular problems summary to product department |
• | Planned shop promotional activities, including forwarding links for scorecard |
| Personal Website: www.yjbys.com |
| Independent operators | 2012.06-2013.05 |
• | Recommended by wordpress, PR 6, and ranked on the first page in Google search keywords XXXX |
• | Updated content regularly, exchanged links with related sites and strengthened SEO effect |
| Propaganda Department Executive | 2011.02-2011.09 |
• | Responsible for XX activities network promotion including Renren, We-Chat and Weibo |
• | Writed and published long micro-blog to introduce knowledge about the activities during the event |
• | Launched event notification by contacting counselors and monitors through micro message |
• | Interacted and promoted with other colleges to increase the amount of micro-blog fans and page views of Renren homepage |
• | The activities involved in a total of XXXX, and was awarded for outstanding activities in 2011 |
• | Won College Student Union Outstanding Executive prize |
• | Website promotion Tools: Long micro-blog and timed micro letters |
• | Website statistics: Baidu statistics, Google analysis |
• | Relevant skills: Proficient in wordpress, javascript, html, css |
• | Organized Jobs University Student Union activities | 2010.09-2011.09 |
| Jobs University | XX College | 2010.09-2013.06 |
• | Browsing microblogging, we-chat and forums |