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        Abdominal flatulence 中滿

        Abdominal fullness and distention 腕痛脹滿

        Abdominal retention 鼓脹

        Accompanied Symptoms 兼證

        Activating blood and dissolving stasis 活血化瘀

        Acuesthesia 得氣

        Acupuncture points 腧穴

        Acupuncture therapies 針刺療法

        Adjuvant drugs 佐藥

        Afternoon fever 日哺發(fā)熱

        Alternate chills and fever 寒熱往來

        Anorexia 食欲不振

        Aphtha 口瘡

        Apoplexy 中風

        Ashi point 阿是穴

        Associate drugs 臣藥

        Association of combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine 中西醫(yī)結(jié)合研究會

        Association of traditional Chinese medicine 中醫(yī)學會

        Asthenic cardioyang 心陽虛

        Asthenic cardioyin 心陰虛

        Asthma 哮證

        Otopuncture therapy 耳針療法

        Auscultation-olfaction 聞診

        Aversion to wind and cold 畏惡風寒


        Basis of theory of traditional Chinese medicine 中醫(yī)理論基礎

        Belching 噯氣

        Blood deficiency 血虛

        Blood heat 血熱

        Body fluid 津液


        Calming liver wind 平肝熄風

        Canthus 目眥

        Carbuncle 癰

        Cathartic method 攻里法

        Cardiac and renal coordination 心腎相交

        Cardiac-splenic asthenia 心脾兩虛

        Chest pain 胸痛

        Chest stuffiness 胸悶

        Chi pulse 尺脈

        Chinese materia medica and prescriptions 中藥與方劑

        Chinese medical 中國醫(yī)學史

        Chinese medicine anesthesia 中藥麻醉

        Chinese patent drugs 中成藥

        Clear abundant urine 小便清長

        Clearing damp 利水滲濕

        Clearing heat and expectoration 清熱化痰

        Clearing wind-damp 祛風勝濕

        Clearing Ying heat and cooling blood 清營涼血

        Coating color 苔色

        Cold hands and feet 手足厥冷

        Cold-heat mixing 寒熱交錯

        Cold limbs 手足厥冷

        Cold stroke 中寒

        Coma 神昏

        Compendium of Materia Medica 本草綱目

        Complications 并病

        Constipation 大便不通

        Consumptive disease 虛勞

        Contrary treatment 反治


        Defensive Qi instability 衛(wèi)氣不固

        Deficiency-excess mixing 虛實夾雜

        Delirium 譫語

        Diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine 中醫(yī)診法

        Diaphoresis 汗法

        Diaphoresis, pungent cold 辛涼解表

        Diaphoresis, pungent warm 辛溫解表

        Diarrhea 泄瀉

        Different treatments for the same disease 同病異治

        Differentiation, eight principles 八綱辨證

        Differentiation of diseases 辨病

        Differentiation of symptoms and signs 辨證

        Differentiation, six meridians 六經(jīng)辨證

        Differentiation, triple energizer 三焦辨證

        Differentiation, Wei-Qi-Ying-Xue 衛(wèi)氣營血辨證

        Differentiation, Zang-Fu 臟腑辨證

        Diphtheria 白喉

        Diseases of Qi-blood-fluid 氣血津液病癥

        Dispersing cold and freeing Bi 散寒通痹

        Doctrines of various historical schools 中醫(yī)各家學說

        Dry heat 燥熱

        Dry stool 大便干結(jié)

        Dysentery 痢疾

        Dyspepsia 食滯

        Dysphagia 噎膈

        Dyspnea 喘證

        Dysuria 癃閉


        Edema 水腫

        Eight principles 八綱

        Electuary 沖服劑

        Elimination 消法

        Emesis 吐法

        Endogenous hygrosyndrome 內(nèi)濕

        Endogenous cold 內(nèi)寒

        Endogenous dryness 內(nèi)燥

        Epilepsy 癇證

        Epitaxis 鼻衄

        Eruption 斑疹

        Etiology 病因

        Exterior syndrome 表證

        Exterior sthenia 表實

        Exterior asthenia 表虛

        Extremely cold limbs 手足厥逆


        Facial distortion 口眼歪斜

        Feeling 按診

        Fluid deficiency 津液不足

        Frequent micturition 小便頻數(shù)

        Frequent vomiting 反胃


        Gastric asthenia 胃虛

        Gastric cavity 胃脘

        Gastro-Qi 胃氣

        Generation-inhibition in five elements 五行相克

        Gingiva 牙齦

        Greyish fur 灰苔


        Harmonizing liver-spleen 調(diào)和肝脾

        Heart fire hyperactivity 心火亢盛

        Heart-kidney Yang deficiency 心腎陽虛

        Heart Yang hypoactivity 心陽不振

        Healthy Qi 正氣

        Hectic fever 潮熱

        Hemorrhage Zheng 血證


        Insomnia 失眠

        Inspection 望診

        Intergeneration 相生

        Inter-restriction 相克

        Inter-subjuation 相乘

        Irregular pulse 結(jié)代脈


        Kidney Yang deficiency 腎陽虛

        Kidney Yin deficiency 腎陰虛


        Large intestine damp-heat 大腸濕熱

        Large pulse 大脈

        Leukorrhea 白帶

        Liver fire flaming 肝火上炎

        Liver-stomach disharmony 肝胃不和

        Liver wind agitation 肝風內(nèi)動

        Liver Yang rising 肝陽上亢

        Liver Yin deficiency 肝陰虛

        Long pulse 長脈

        Longer menstrual interval 月經(jīng)后期

        Loose stool 便溏

        Lung heart 肺熱

        Lung Qi deficiency 肺氣虛

        Lung Qi impairment 肺氣失宣


        Measles 麻疹

        Menstrual irregularities 月經(jīng)失調(diào)

        Merdian-collateral theory 經(jīng)絡學說

        Meridial distribution 歸經(jīng)

        Mutual promotion 相須


        Night sweat 盜汗

        Nine orifices 九竅

        Normal pulse 平脈

        Nourishing blood and liver 養(yǎng)血柔肝


        Pale tongue 淡白舌

        Palpation 切診

        Palpitation 心悸

        Pathogenesis 病機

        Peeled coating 剝脫苔

        Pestilence 疫癘

        Pharynx neurosis 梅核氣

        Phlegm-damp obstructing lung 痰濕阻肺

        Pill 丸

        Pores 玄府

        Principal and subordinate 標本

        Pulse condition 脈象

        Pulse-taking 脈診

        Purgation-tonifying 攻補兼施


        Qi-blood and fluid 氣血津液

        Qi deficiency 氣虛

        Qi depression 氣滯

        Qi function 氣機


        Rapid pulse 數(shù)脈

        Relaxing bowels 潤腸通便

        Removing stasis to promote blood circulation 化瘀行血

        Resolving damp, aromatic 芳香化濕

        Resuscitation 開竅

        Retch 干嘔

        Reverse restriction 相侮


        School in favour of the doctrine of warm diseases 溫病學派

        School of febrile diseases by cold injury 傷寒學派

        Scrofula 瘰疬

        Sighing 太息

        Smallpox 天花

        Somnolence 多寐

        Sore 瘡

        Spleen Qi deficiency 脾氣虛

        Spleen Yang deficiency 脾陽虛

        Spleen Yin deficiency 脾陰虛

        Spontaneous sweating 自汗

        Stranguria 小便澀痛

        Stomach cold 胃寒

        Stomach heat 胃熱

        Strengthening healthy energy 扶正

        Striae 腠理

        Stringy pulse 弦脈

        Sunstroke 中暑


        Tenesmus 里急后重

        Tonifying deficiency 虛則補之

        Tonifying kidney and holding Qi 補腎納氣

        Tonifying Qi and spleen 益氣健脾

        Treating excess with purgation 實則瀉之

        Treatment with syndrome differentiation 辨證論治

        Twenty-eight pulses 二十八脈


        Ulcer 潰瘍

        Urinal incontinence 小便失禁

        Uterus 女子胞


        Vitaport 命門


        Whitish fur 白苔

        Whooping cough 百日咳


        Yellowish fur 黃苔

        Ying and Yang in balance 陰平陽秘


        Zheng 證





